29 Flagstone Drive
Hudson, 03051
Manufacturing Plant: 29 Flagstone Drive, Hudson, NH 03051 UNITED STATES
Key Contact Personnel:
Eric Euvrard, President eric.euvrard@rhmintl.com
Robert Middleton, Chief of Technology & Engineering
Year Founded: 2003
Quality Certification of Plants: ISO 9001 & ISO 14001
Percent of Sales in Export Markets: 75%
Major Export Markets Served: Worldwide
Range of Products Offered: Exclusively Dry Type, Paperless, High and Extra High Voltage RIF Bushings, Instrument Transformers and Cable Terminals and Joints.
RIF® Bushings
Bushings from 15 kV to 500 kV – proprietary RIF® paperless condenser graded insulation. Meets and exceeds all IEC/IEEE requirements with a specific mechanical and thermal shock resistance. Proprietary Built-in insulation monitoring is also available.
High Voltage Wall Bushings:
• Condenser graded type Wall Bushings from 20 kV up to 550 kV AC or 400kV DC Proprietary Dry Type HV DryShield® based core insulation designs – meet or exceed all IEC / IEEE requirements.
• Special Bushings for laboratory or testing: Proprietary Dry Type HV DryShield® dry type condenser designs – up to 1200 kV, meet IEC / IEEE applicable requirements – Design available for Oil-Air / SF6 – Air partitions.
High Voltage Dry Type Cable Accessories
The RIF® condenser structure provides a strong mechanical resistance and electrical insulation to this self supported terminal. It allows for an easy and compact installation. In short: a key reliable and simple to use terminal in all situations. Up to 110 kV.
All products are of unique dry type providing:
Maintenance-free, leak free, explosion-free and environmentally-friendly operation up to 600 kV. Featuring HV DryShield® and RIF® technologies with 20 years of proven track record.