5101 Buchan St., Suite 220
Montreal, Quebec, H4P 2R9
Key Contact Personnel:
Salvatore Carbonaro,
VP Power Division scarbonaro@positronpower.com
Year Founded: 1970
Technology: Instantly detects and alerts user of defects in energized high voltage insulators by measuring distortion in the electric field surrounding the insulator. The high sensitivity of the testers provides (and records optionally) instantaneous safety status and early detection of faults/defects before insulator integrity is compromised to prevent power outages, fires and dangerous conditions.
Testers for Safety, Defect Detection and Maintenance of Energized Insulators
Provides instantaneous early detection and alerting of defective insulators
Prevents unsafe working conditions, power outages, equipment damage
Composite and Porcelain insulators & bushings
• High Voltage Transmission & Distribution Lines & Substations
Ensure safety of personnel before performing live line work
100% FAILSAFE reliability Determines if the line is safe to work on. Detects conductive defects and contamination in Ceramic and Polymer Insulators & Bushings.
Insulator Testers Key Features
• Fast and Easy to Use: Tests in service energized insulators / bushings in seconds.
• Safety: Makes no electrical contact with the insulator; instantly warns of unsafe live-line working conditions to ensure safety of personnel.
• Maintenance Tool: Prevents rush repairs, enables maintenance only when needed and before failures occur.
• Lightweight: Composite Tester 1.1 kg; Porcelain Tester 1.6 kg; Universal Tester 1.0 kg.
• Failsafe: Electric field measurement provides failsafe 100% reliable results instantly.
*Instant Local Visual & Audible Reporting: Instantly alerts user on defects and location of defect by visual and audible indication on the lightweight tester.
*Remote alert and recording of defects: Bluetooth range of 330 ft (100 meters), with instant download of detailed insulator conditions to portable tablet PC.
• Database: (Option) Enables analysis of current and historical data, generates graphs and analyze trends
• Reports: Provides detailed insulator defect reports including defective discs, early failure diagnostics and contamination assessment for preventative maintenance
• Approved by leading high voltage laboratories and utilities from 12 KV to 1000 KV