Pingxiang Huaci Insulators Group Co. Ltd.
(86) 799-7552689 (86) 799-7553689 info@huaciinsulator.com Visit website
Luxi Industrial Park, Pingxiang
Jiangxi, 337000
Key Contact Personnel:
Herman, Marketing Manager herman@huaciinsulator.com
Sharon, Export Manager sharon@huaciinsulator.com
Year Founded: 2009
Total Number of Employees: 654
Quality Certification: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS18001:2007
Percent in Sales in Foreign Markets: 37%
Total Annual Sales: USD 20 to 50 million
Major Export Markets Served: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lebanon, Iraq, Croatia, Italy, Egypt, Mexico, Ecuador
Range of Products Offered: Composite Insulators, Electric Power Fittings, Glass Insulators, Porcelain Insulators
Suspension Insulators: 10-500 kV
Spool Insulators: 0.4-11 kV
Strain/Guy Insulators: 0.4-33 kV
Pin Type Insulators: 6-69 kV
Line Post Insulators: 10-220 kV
Station Post Insulators: 20-220 kV
Composite insulators capacity: 600,000 units per year
Electric power fittings capacity: 50,000 tons per year
Glass insulators capacity: 3,000,000 units per year
Porcelain insulators capacity: 20,000 tons per year