100 Yil Bul. Kosova İs Merkezi 137/K Ostim
Ankara, 06170
Manufacturing Plant:
1203. Cadde No: 38/L-5/D Ostim Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Ankara/Türkiye 06170
Key Contact Personnel:
Erkan DAGDELEN, Technical Manager erkanelk@polipar.com.tr
Furkan DAGDELEN, Product Manager polipar@polipar.com.tr
Total Number of Employees: 72
Number of employees in production: 55
Quality Certification: ISO 9001 & ISO 14001
Approx. percent of your total sales in export markets: 35%
Major Export Markets Served: Middle East, Europe, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Turkey
Range of Products Offered: Insulators and surge arresters
Electrical Insulators (Silicone Rubber)
Long-Rod Type Insulators: up to 550 kV
Line-Post Insulators: up to 550 kV
Pin-Type Insulators: up to 132 kV
Strain / Guy Insulators: up to 550 kV
Dead-End Insulators: up to 550 kV
Cutouts: up to 50 kV
Railway Insulators: up to 27.5 kV
Station Post Insulators: up to 550 kV
Hollow Insulators for Bushings, Arresters Terminations, etc: up to 550 kV
Switch Insulators / Bus Insulators: up to 550 kV
Other Types of Insulators: other types according to customer specifications
Materials or Components for Insulators
Silicone Rubber, Core, Clamps
RTV Silicone/Other Coatings for Insulators
HTV/LSR Silicone Rubber
Up to 72 kV
Surge Arresters
Up to 550 kV(for all class types)
Other Products
Other products according to customer specifications
Location of Manufacturing Plants
Head Office & Sales Office for Foreign Markets:
100 Yil Bul. Kosova İs Merkezi 137/K Ostim/Ankara, Telephone:+90 543 309 4294, Telefax: +90 312 354 7938, Email:polipar@polipar.com.tr
Manufacturing Plant:
1203. Cadde No: 38/L-5/D Ostim Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Telephone:+90 543 309 4294, Telefax: +90 312 354 7938, Email:polipar@polipar.com.tr
Manufacturing Plant:
Baskent Bulvarı No.13 Baskent OSB. Malikoy Sincan Ankara Turkey, Telephone:+90 543 309 4294, Telefax: +90 312 354 7938, Email:polipar@polipar.com.tr